
2024-01 Inspections & Fees for Public Infrastructure
2023-01 Deposit for Professional Fees adopted 4.11.23
2023-01A Amendment of Indian Trails Phase II Ordinance adopted 6.13.23
2023-02 BUDGET ORDINANCE adopted 8.29.23
2023-03 TAX RATE & LEVY ORDINANCE adopted 8.29.23
2023-04 SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE adopted 9.12.23
2022-01 Water and Sewer Ordinance
2022-02 Building Codes & Inspections
2021-01 Certificates of Obligation Series 2021
2021-05 Subdivision Ordinance Amended 9.12.23 above
2020-02 Families First Corona Virus Response Act
2020-03 Water Conservation & Drought Plan
2019-01 AMENDED Subdivision Ordinance - (see 2021-05 above)
2018-01 Drought Contingency Plan
2018-02 Amended Subdivision Ordinance
2018-03 Junked Vehicle Ordinance
2018-04 Budget Adoption Ordinance
2018-06 Cancellation of Unopposed Election
2018-07 Solid Waste Collection Ordinance
2017-01 Water & Sewer Ordinance
2017-02 Water & Sewer Ordinance (amended, see 2022-01)
2017-03 Subdivision Ordinance
2017-04 Oncor Rate Increase Denial
2017-05 Budget Adoption
2017-06 Tax Rate Adoption & Levy
2017-07 Order to Cancel Unopposed Election
2015-01 International Building Code Adoption
2015-02 International Electric Code Adoption
2015-03 International Residential Code Adoption
2015-04 Farm Animal Code Adoption
2015-05 Budget Adoption
2015-06 Tax Rate Adoption
2014-01 Cancellation of Election
2014-04 Weed/Brush/Rubbish Ordinance
2014-05 Reduced Speed Limit Charles Street
2013-01 HUD Code Home Regulations
2013-03 TxDOT Maintenance Agreement
2013-04 WATER & SEWER Rates & Rules
2013-05 Dilapidated Bldgs (see 2021-02)
2013-06 Water Meter Upgrade Contract
2013-07 Adams Street Land Purchase
2013-08 Charles Street Project 2013 Series Loan
2013-11 Animal Control Ordinance Amendment & Interlocal Agreement
2012-08 School Zone Speeds Fair Park & Charles
2012-07 Amended Water/Sewer Rates
2012-05 Operating Budget 2012-13
2012-04 Park Rules & Regulations
2012-03 Water/Sewer Rates Amended
2012-02 Municipal Court Technology Fund
2012-01 Speed Zone at Park on Adams
2011-08 Levying Tax Rate
2011-07 Setting of Tax Rate
2011-06 Drought Plan (see 2020-03)
2011-05 Water/Sewer Rates Amended
2011-04 Certification of Election Results
2011-03 Annexation of Land for Well
2011-01 Denying Oncor Rate Changes
2010-11 Extension Policy for Water Bills
2010-10 No Parking on Williams in front of school
2010-09 Levying Tax
2010-08 Setting Tax
2010-05 Children at Play Signs
2010-02 Election Order
2010-01 Abandoning Easement (Rattlesnake)
2009-18 Retail Food Establishments
2009-16 VOID - Smoking Ordinance
2009-15 VOID - Mosquito Control
2009-14 VOID - Rodent Control
2009-08 Weeds/Rubbish (see 2014)
2009-07 Alarm Systems & False Alarms
2009-05 Election Order (Mayor)
2009-04 Alterations of Rattlesnake
2009-03 Utility Bond Ordinance
2009-01 Repeal of Telecommunications Tax
2008-01 Oncor Lighting Svc Tariff
2008-02 Inactive Meter Base Rate
2008-03 Election Order
2008-05 Addendum to 2005-16 Active Account Base Rate
2008-07 State Highway Agreement
2008-10 Addendum to 2005-16 Water/Sewer Emergency Rates
2008-12 VOID (Burning during burn ban)
2008-18 Land Purchase for New Well
2007-01 Election Order
2007-02 Street Maintenance Tax Authorization
2007-03 Prohibition of Jake Brake in City
2007-05 Meier Settlement Water Contract
2007-10 Dilapidated Buildings (see 2021)
2006-01 Land Purchase Little Rattler
2006-02 Tax Abatement Agreement
2006-03 Banning Customer from Selling Water Meter
2006-05 Junked Vehicles (see 2018-03)
2006-08 RV Prohibited as Residence
2006-12 Atmos Rate Increase Denial
2006-13 McLennan Co Public Health District Fees
2005-01 Water & Sewer Ordinance of 2005
2005-03 Homestead Exemption 10%
2005-04 Election Order
2005-05 Unopposed Election
2005-06 Sexually Oriented Business
2005-07 Animal Control Amended
2005-08 Atmos Rate Denial
2005-09 Unopposed Candidates Elected
2005-16 Water & Sewer
2005-17 Sanitation & Pollution Near Well Site
2005-18 Atmos Rate Denial
2004-01 Solid Waste Collection
2004- 02 Election Order
2004-05 Unopposed Election
2004-06 Health District
2004-07 Henry Street Abandonment
2004-08 Sexually Oriented Business
2003-01 Presumption of Unattended Vehicles
2003-02 Subdivision Ordinance
2003-03 HUD Code Homes
2003-04 Water & Sewer