Our city council is made up of dedicated community members who are committed to serving our town. They meet regularly to discuss important issues and make decisions that impact our community. Their hard work and dedication help to ensure that Riesel remains a great place to live and work.
Regular monthly Council Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at
6:30 PM at Riesel City Hall, 104 N. Hwy 6, Riesel, TX 76682.
Riesel is a Type A General Law City governed by a Mayor and 5 City Council Members who are
elected by the people of the City. The Mayor and City Council acting together are the Governing Body.
All Governing Body members serve two-year terms. The City Council adopts all ordinances
and resolutions and determines the general goals and policies of the City of Riesel.
Riesel City Council Meetings are held
every 2nd Tuesday of the month
at 6:30pm at Riesel City Hall
located at 104 N. Highway 6
Riesel, TX 76682
Work Sessions are sometimes held,
and are always open to the public.
Agendas are posted in accordance with
the Texas Local Government Code.
Eligibility Requirements to apply for place on ballot
Qualifications for Office Type A City (Local Gov't Code, Section 22.032)
Be a Citizen of the United States
Be 18 years old
Have not been determined mentally incompetent by a final judgment in court
Have No felony convictions
Have resided in the state continuously for the previous 12 months
Must be a registered voter in the City of Riesel by the filing deadline
Must satisfy any other eligibility requirements prescribed by law for this office
Council Member candidate residency requirements - 1 year in state prior to the filing deadline and 6 months residency in city limits prior to the filing deadline
Mayoral candidate residency requirements -1 year in state prior to filing deadline
and one year residency in city limits prior to election day