Located at: 104 N. Hwy 6 (N. Memorial) Riesel, TX 76682
Mailing address: PO Box 249, Riesel, TX 76682
Court Phone: (254) 896-6501 Select Option 1

10 mph over - $192
11 mph over - $202
12 mph over - $212
13 mph over - $222
14 mph over - $232
15 mph over - $242
16 mph over - $252
17 mph over - $262
18 mph over - $272
19 mph over - $282
20 mph over - $292
21 mph over - $302
22 mph over - $312
23 mph over - $322
24 mph over - $332
25+ mph over-$334
(In accordance with Article 17.085 of the
Texas Code of Criminal Procedures)
If you receive a citation for a moving traffic violation, you may be able to prevent it from appearing on your driving record by completing a Driving Safety Course. To qualify for this option:
You must possess a valid Texas driver's license and current liability insurance;
Can only be granted for one moving violation on the citation;
You must not have taken a Driving Safety Course in the past 12 months;
Could not have been speeding 25 miles or more over the designated speed limit; or
Could not have been speeding at 95 miles per hour or more; or
You must enter an appearance within 10 days from the issuance date of the citation.
You cannot possess a commercial driver's license.
You may request this option, by mail or by appearance in person, before the Municipal Court before the appearance date stated on the citation. You must present the following items to the Municipal Court:
Completed Request Form for Driving Safety Course, with a plea of "No Contest". It must be signed and notarized.
A copy of your valid Texas Driver's License;
A copy of proof of current liability insurance - the proof of insurance must be in the name of the person that received the citation.
You must submit a $144.00 fee or $169.00 if in a school zone, at the time you request to take the Driving Safety Course.
All of the above items must be presented at the time of your request for
this option to be granted by the court. You can mail all of the above to:
Riesel Municipal Court
PO Box 249
Riesel, TX 76682
Deferred Adjudication is NOT an option in this Court. If you do not qualify for defensive driving, you may still be eligible to keep a moving violation off of your record by requesting the Deferred Disposition (DC-1).
This program is offered to anyone who has received a citation for any Class C Misdemeanor filed in the City of Riesel Municipal Court if:
1. You are ineligible to take DSC because you have already taken one in the past 12 months.
2. You receive a citation for a moving violation and do not possess a valid Texas Driver's License but possess an out of State Driver's License
A person must request, in writing or appear in person, before the Municipal Court within 30 calendar days from the issuance date of the ticket to request this option. If mailing your request, please indicate, in writing, to the court that you are requesting the court to grant you the Deferred Disposition.
Mail your request to:Riesel Municipal Court
PO Box 249
Riesel, TX 76682
With the Deferred Disposition Program, you may be required to do the following:
Pay an Assessment Fee of $334.00
Take a Driving Safety Course
Complete Community Service Hours
Complete an Alcohol Awareness Education course
Complete a Tobacco Awareness Education course
Dismissal Violations
The citations that may be dismissed if certain stipulations are met include:
No Liability Insurance;
Fail to Display Driver's License;
Expired Driver's License (if less than 60 days expired);
Expired Registration/License Plate (if less than 90 days expired)
The citation violation may be dismissed if the following requirements are met:
No Liability Insurance - provide proof to the court of valid liability insurance at the date and time the citation was issued within 10 calendar days from the date the citation was issued.
Fail to Display Driver's License - present your valid driver's license to the court (in person) by your appearance date to be considered for dismissal ( with a $20 dismissal fee)
Expired Violations - You must provide proof to the court that the violation has been corrected within 15 days from the date the citation was issued and a $20.00 dismissal fee. To provide proof for an Expired Driver's license, you must submit a copy of the renewal card for your driver's license within the 15 days and the $20.00 dismissal fee. To provide proof for an Expired Registration/License Plates, you must submit a copy of the receipt received at the time of registration from the Tax Assessor-Collector's office within 15 days of receiving the citation and the $20.00 dismissal fee.