
The City Secretary is an Officer of the City appointed by the City Council. The Office of City Secretary is a statutory position required by Texas state law.
The role of a city secretary is similar to that of the secretary of state. The city secretary is the local official who maintains the integrity of the election process, ensures transparency and access to city records, facilitates the city's legislative process, and is the recorder of local government history. City secretaries act as local compliance officers for federal, state, and local statutes, including the Open Meetings Act and Public Information Act, and serve as the filing authority for campaign finance reports and financial disclosure statements.
Some Additional Responsibilities of the Riesel City Secretary also include:
Oversees records management program for the City according to the Texas State Library.
Processes open record requests according to the Public Information Act.
Serves as City Election Administrator
Maintains custody of the City Seal and official records of the City including ordinances, resolutions, contracts, agreements, etc.
Drafts the annual City Budget, Capital Improvement Plan, & analyzes tax rate to recommend a rate to fund the annual budget.
Processes all permit requests, subdivision plats, plan reviews & hydraulic studies.
Fiscal Manager of the City's revenues, debt, taxes and grants.
Serves as Grant Administrator: applications and management of grants & reporting
Administers Oaths of Office to Council Members, Judges & Police Officers.
Drafts proclamations for the Mayor and assists with other needs of the City Council
Human Resources; background checks; drug testing; benefit administration
Purchasing: issuing purchase orders, administering bids for city capital projects
Facilitates annual Health Insurance renewal bids
Development and maintenance of the city's website and social media
Prepares and posts City Council meeting agendas
Attends all City Council meetings and workshops to record the minutes of proceedings
Publishes all required legal notices of the City
Prepares, posts and maintains all City Council meeting minutes
Manages and oversees the activities and operations of the City Hall Offices, Municipal Court, Accounting and Utility Billing, including serving as liaison between the City Council and the public
Maintains the terms of all board and council members.
Drafts official ordinances and resolutions when applicable
Serves as a Notary Public
Open Records
The City Secretary is the public information coordinator for the City of Riesel. The City Secretary's Office is responsible for coordinating with all City Departments and ensuring that all Open Records Requests are processed in a timely manner in accordance with the Texas Public Information Act and city procedures.
Keep in mind a request for information is for documents that are already in existence. A governmental body is not required to answer questions, perform legal research or comply with a continuing request to supply information on a periodic basis as such information is prepared in the future.
The Public Information Act (PIA) generally requires a governmental body to release information to a requestor. However, if a governmental body determines the information is excepted from disclosure under the Public Information Act, then the request and information must be reviewed by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) Open Records Division (ORD). The ORD will issue a decision on whether the governmental body is permitted to withhold the requested information or if it must release the information to the requestor.
Submit an open records request to request the information that you are seeking.
The conduct of Riesel public officials is governed by the Texas state law. Members of the City Council and members of all other boards or commissions, appointed or confirmed by the City Council, must be knowledgeable of the Riesel's City Ordinances, and state law regarding ethics when participating in and making decisions while serving on a board or commission.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Chapter 176 of the Texas Local Government Code requires a local government officer to file a conflicts disclosure statement disclosing any business relationship with the City if they receive taxable income or gifts from any person or business that contracts with or is considering doing business with, the City.
Local government officers for the City of Riesel are:
Council Members
The City Secretary processes all Conflict of Interest forms in accordance with the requirements of the Texas Ethics Commission.
Conflict of Interest Questionnaires
Section 176 of the Texas Local Government Code requires persons or entities that contract or seek to contract with the City for the sale or purchase of property, goods, or services to file a conflict of interest questionnaire disclosing affiliations or relationships that may cause a conflict of interest with the City.
Please refer to Chapter 176 of the Local Government Code for additional information regarding these requirements. The Conflict of Interest Questionnaire is available on the Texas Ethics Commission website.
Questions regarding conflict of interest questionnaires should be emailed to the City Secretary.
The City Secretary's office is committed to efficiency, professionalism, treating the citizens of Riesel with respect and trust, and serving them in a courteous, efficient, and effective manner and above all, adhering to state and local laws to uphold the city's legislative process.